If you got here because some one added this blog to their blog and you wondered where you've gotten and why the name:
Chocolate because D LOVES chocolate. She is here in this fair city because she LOVES chocolate (and a job). She remembers every place she has been by how good their chocolate is. She will be your best friend forever if you give her really good chocolate or even if you tell her where she can get good chocolate. And I happen to have an affinity to liquids that have at their hearts, hops. I have had the good fortune to have experienced many wonderful moments in front of a glass of beer and made more than one decision, some good, aided by a pint or two of brew.
Two thoughts about good beer: You have a better chance of the 16 oz. being satisfying if the master brewer knows the name of everyone working for the brewery, and you can drive from where your drinking it to where its made in an afternoon
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